
Steganography: Hiding secrets like Mr. Robot

Steganography: Hiding secrets like Mr. Robot

In this article, we will look into Steganography, which is the “art of hiding” information in plain sight. But, lets understand steganography first. What is Stegnography ? Steganography is a fascinating technique that involves hiding secret messages within other forms of media, such as images, audio files, or videos. Imagine writing a note in invisible […]

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Hacking Windows with Fake Captchas

Hacking Windows with Fake Captchas

In recent weeks, cybersecurity researchers at various companies spotted a new type of phishing attack involving those pesky re-captchas. Originally, reCAPTCHA is a security tool designed to differentiate between human users and automated bots on websites. However, hackers in the wild were using them to social engineer the victim and run malicious powershell scripts on the target systems. Let’s see

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