How to do SMS and Call bombing on scammers

How to do SMS and Call bombing on scammers?

Have you ever encountered those scam calls, where they try to rip you by those shady lottery win announcements? Well, that’s common nowadays. Scammers got your call records from various data mining companies and websites. You don’t remember but you have somewhere, someday signed up for some lucky draw, in case you got lucky. You give out your name, personal mobile number, or email to them. We signed up for so many different things which we don’t need and are not even bothered to remember them either. Well, today we are going to have some fun by SMS and Call bombing to the scammers. So, Let’s get started.

Scammer meme

To make unsolicited spam calls and SMS bombing, we need a script which is called TBomb. It is a great script and I have used it a couple of times in order to have some fun. The best thing we can do to slow them down or even stop them for a day is by wasting their time. Scammers perform a lot of calls in a single day and that’s how they earn. But What if we bombard them with unsolicited calls and SMS. They will get irritated and might don’t do anything for a day. So, you know the plan now. Get ready to give scammers a hard time now. Let’s go.

How to do SMS and Call bombing using TBomb?

TBomb script github

TBomb is a python script that uses various free and open-source APIs from different VOIP providers out there. It performs requests to various providers to send SMS and calls to the intended recipient using APIs. Now we know what Tbomb is, let’s start with the installation first.

Step 1: Download and Install TBomb.

Fire up your Kali Linux or any other distro and Go to the following link:

Next Copy the following link and open up a terminal. I have opened one on my desktop. You too can, by right-clicking on your desktop and clicking on “open terminal here”.

Copy Github code

Next, git clone the script by typing the following command in your terminal window.

git clone

git clone

Now change the directory to the TBomb folder by typing the following command and then listing the contents of the directory.

cd TBomb/

cd Tbomb

Next type the following command to start TBomb. Press “Enter” to install the required packages. This might take a while, have a small water break meanwhile.



Tbomb update

TBomb update

Step 2 – Fire up the TBomb Script

TBomb Menu

Tbomb sms

After the packages are done updating and installing, you will be greeted with the TBomb menu, now you can choose “1” for SMS Bombing and “2” for Call Bombing. I have pressed “1” to initiate the SMS Bombing process.

Tbomb SMS menu

Now type the following information in order to proceed further with the bombing.

  • Country Code – Type in the country code, the number you are targeting.
  • Target’s Number – Enter the target mobile number.
  • No. of SMSs – Enter the number of SMSes to send. The maximum is 500, I would recommend the maximum.
  • Time delay – Enter the time delay you want between every SMS. It is in seconds. I have chosen 5.
  • No. of thread – Enter the no. of the process you want simultaneously. It means the number of SMSes sent per second. Recommended is 50, I have chosen the recommended.

Next, press “Enter” and review the information one more time. If everything is Fine, Press “Enter” to start the bombing. Now, you can see the SMS bombing status to the target number.

SMS Bombing

Also read: Hacking Android pin password using Lockphish.

Call Bombing using TBomb

For initiating Call bombing, we have chosen option “2” this time from the TBomb menu. Next, Enter the following information in order to proceed with the bombing.

Tbomb Menu

Tbomb Call menu

  • Country Code – Type in the country code, the number you are targeting.
  • Target’s Number – Enter the target mobile number.
  • No. of Calls – Enter the number of Calls to send. The maximum is 15, I would recommend the maximum.
  • Time delay – Enter the time delay you want between every Call. It is in seconds. I have chosen 5.
  • No. of thread – Enter the no. of the process you want simultaneously. It means the number of Call attempts per second. Recommended is 1, I have chosen the recommended.

Call Bombing

Note – I have blurred out the Country Code and Mobile Number for privacy reasons.

Tbomb meme

Well, this was a short tutorial on how to do SMS and Call bombing on scammers. Next time, you encounter someone calling you with those too good to be true schemes, give them the taste of their own medicine by using this script. If you think, you are limited to 500 SMS and 15 calls every day. Then, I have a little workaround for that. The way these APIs work is that they limit the SMS and call requests based on the IP address. If you use any VPN, even free. Just changing the servers will be enough. I should have said TOR but TOR is extremely slow and many websites block the use of TOR exit nodes. So, any free VPN will do the job. I would recommend ProtonVPN for free usage. Well, that’s all for today, this is Dolores Haze, signing off, till then “Happy Hacking”.

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