In this walk through, we will be going through the Client-side Control Challenge vulnerability section from Mutillidae Labs. We will be exploring and exploiting Client-side Control in form fields and learn how application are affected because of it. So, let’s get started with the Hacking without any delay.
Table of Contents
Security Level: 0 (Hosed)
- Setting the security level to 0 or Hosed.
1. Text Box
2. Read-only text box
3. Short Text Box
4. Disabled Text box
5. Hidden Text box
6. Secured by Javascript Text Box
7. Vanishing Text box
8. Shy Text Box
9. Search Textbox
10. Password
11. Drop-down Box
12. Checkbox
13. Radio Button
14. Email Control
15. Number
16. Range
Also Read: Mutillidae – Cascading Style Injection (Set Background Color)
So, we finally completed all the security levels for the Client-side Control Challenge Vulnerability. We looked into the various ways how application has been set up in various levels and how we can bypass the security controls implemented. Next, we can mitigate the potential Client-side control attacks by processing data more on the server side and not give the user the access to interfere with the application’s logic by manipulating data on client side. On that note, i will take your leave and will meet you in next one with another Mutillidae vulnerability writeup, till then “Keep Hacking”.